quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2008

1 "eureuo" a quem descobrir que canção é esta

"God knows that I wanted to be happy with you
To live in the sunlight of your most tender look
Now your desire is dead, I live my own desire
Blooming spring in the winter sun

Dreams that I dreamt, where are they?
Hours that I lived, who has them?
What's the use of having a heart, and not having anyone's love?

Kisses that I gave you, where are they?
Who have you given what belonged to me?
It's better not to have a heart, than having it and not having it, like me

I bartered everything in my life for nothing
Defeated flag, torn in the ground
I'm the forgotten date, the lost thing that goes on auction

Dreams that I dreamt, where are they?
Hours that I lived, who has them?
What's the use of having a heart, and not having anyone's love?
I live of longings, my love, my life has lost the splendour
Like a winter sun I have no warmth

What's the use of having a heart, and not having anyone's love?
I live of longings, my love, my life has lost the splendour
Like a winter sun I have no warmth"

4 comentários:

Lucky gal disse...

Sonhos que sonhei, onde estão? Horas que viviiiiiiii quem as tem? De que vale ter coração e não ter o amor de ninguééééém?

(O Arnaldo não se me adiantou à Sodona Simone!)

Anónimo disse...

Eu em troca de nadaaaaaaaa, dei tudo na vidaaaaaaaa! Bandeira vencida, rasgada no chão. Sou a data esquecida A coisa perdida
Que vai a leilããããoooooooooo!

Ah pujança, sangue na guelra, chama de inverno!

Fabrícius Emigrante disse...

ah cantores!!! Boa!
Estes 2 grandes queridos acabaram de ganhar um cafezito pago por Fabrícius. Brevemente poderão reclamar o vosso prémio (muiiiiiiiiiito brevemente!) :)

Zariza disse...

mas, mas, mas..... eu tb sabia.... tb quero um cafézito... melhor um chá